Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Truth About Sydney

This city sucks. And that's the truth.

Definition of truth: A condition of being more or less factual in relationship to other information.

I don't know for sure if I can even be bothered to write too much about this, because it depends upon my mood, but I am becoming economically depressed.

In this depressed state, and I may withdraw into it, I hope to discover renewed hope for this city and possibly a sharing of views from it's denizens. They can't really be called citizens since it is such a rag bag of deros, and minorities all hiding in a big city because, that's safe.

This place is no good for a white man... if you are not kissing up to the poor victims there is something wrong with you.

Ok, let's get something straight. I am sick of the victim chant. Hence forth a new social policy shall be proclaimed. It is illegal to claim VICTIMHOOD. Shall we make a list of those that skirt
by all forms of pride by claiming a long term victim status. LET ME SEE. Can you make the list yourself. I think you know what I am talking about. Is it nothing but a well orchestrated public relations campaign to milk the world of it's money and attention. FAF OFF victims of all ilks. Just FAF off.

While others are working these VICTIMS of long ago evil, are going on about it for ever. Well they are not allowed to, because I say so. I am just throwing it out there, but for a genocide victim claim you can FAF on for 10 years only.

Look we are all part of the human race, but because 1 red indian or native american fell down the cliff and was pushed by the jealous cripple should we all cry forever. No. Grief must have an end and people cannot FAF on about it and milk it forever. And those that don't want to listen any more should not be forced by their governments to listen to the FAF.

But always there are two sides to every story. Nothing in this universe acts alone.

These are all victims of "EEEEEVVVVVIIIIIL".

You can't buy a house in this place anymore unless you purchase it with your tribe, which is quite good because there a lot of these around, now.

Soon we are going to have a new family unit which will be 2 gayspoofs and 2 lesbians living together with their adopted or genetically bred children. This family unit will have the capacity to afford the inflated housing prices.

The only place that god forbid has any normality left is God Forbid, the shire. This is because they are more natural and haven't been exposed to the mind numbing rubbish that permeates and pervades the left wing nancy pancys that characterise the inner city.

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